Progetto Energetic Education

Tecnologia per l’energia e l’efficienza energetica


Implementation Party

Project materials

The ENERGETIC project deals with technology issues of photovoltaic systems and energy efficiency with a broad approach on aspects concerning materials, devices and ICT.

The Project focuses on four particular application sectors:

  1. Technologies to generate energy via photovoltaic systems. This part focuses on long-term activities, new materials and architecture devices, bearing in mind that the sector is rapidly growing and therefore requires this type of activities.
  2. New processes and architectures for power Transistors, used in applications in which energy efficiency is fundamental (industrial sector, electric engines, hybrid and electric cars, lighting, converters etc.). Mid-short term visions with long-term preparatory elements.
  3. Hardware systems for energy efficiency. In particular it deals with technologies for wireless network devices powered by new-generation photovoltaic modules, of great interest for domotics, and themes which are important for photovoltaic energy systems for home use. Mid-short term vision with long-term preparatory elements.
  4. Software infrastructures supporting energy efficiency on home scale, building and campus. Mid-short term vision with long-term preparatory elements.

Although sun power has the greatest potential in terms of productive capacity, due to its high costs, photovoltaic systems is the least exploited among all renewable sources. The substantial reduction of costs is not possible for economy of scale, but it requires significant innovations and the introduction of new materials and devices. In ENERGETIC the sectors investigated on are among those which are mostly promising in this sector, focusing on low cost thin film technology, aiming at the use of elements which are non-polluting and easily to be found, studying aspects such as plasmonics and optical trapping to increase the efficiency of photovoltaic cells.
The activities of theme 1 will lead to the realization of prototypes of third generation mini photovoltaic modules on flexible support with particularly advantageous efficiency and highly applicable prospects due to the use of a flexible substrate.

As for theme 2, the activity will lead to the implementation of three different prototype transistors, Multi-low-tension Drain technology, and IGBT, with radical design innovations and technologies which may ensure significant cost and performance advantages, and a very high breakdown tension in SiC.

In theme three a sensor system demonstrator will be implemented. It will monitor the environment and communicate through a wireless digital system, totally powered by a mini-photovoltaic measure implemented in the sector of theme 1.
The study and development of a low-consumption and high-energy efficiency platform will be dealt with which, as far as the system is concerned, will include the sensory section, the efficient use of energy and the control parts and interfacing also with communication which is typical of the wireless sensor network.
The other objective of theme three aims at low-power photovoltaic implants (1-5 kW). In such sector the aim is to develop new circuit topologies, new management strategies and new monitoring devices and production prediction.

As for theme 4 the Project focuses on methods for Energy Management and Energy Consumption Awareness for individual houses, buildings or campuses, aiming at a more rational use of energy sources and a reduction of costs.

Energetic (Link Progetto Formazione  MIUR)

Responsabile Scientifico
Prof.ssa Maria Grazia Grimaldi

Project Manager
Dott.ssa Teresa Pulvirenti

Soggetto Capofila
Distretto Tecnologico Sicilia Micro e Nano Sistemi

Numero Soggetti Partecipanti

Totale Costi
€ 16.740.517,00

Data Inizio

Data Fine

48 mesi

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