Sabrina Conoci
Ruolo: Consigliere di Amministrazione
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Nota Biografica


Prof. Sabrina Conoci is full professor of Inorganic Chemistry at University of Messina, Department
ChiBioFarAm and University of Bologna, Department of Chemistry ‘‘Giacomo Ciamician’’.
Rector Delegate to Technology Transfer at University of Messina.
Head of Joint Research Laboratory between STMicroelectronics (Multinational Semiconductor
Industry, ) and University of Messina whose purpose is to carry out research activities
and industrial exploitation (technology transfer) in the field of micro-nanotechnologies for advanced
Head of Lab SENS- Beyond Nano, Research Unit at Third Parties (URT) of the Department of
Physical Sciences and Technologies of Matter (DSFTM) of the National Research Council (CNR).
Member of the Strategic and Advisory Council of the Graphene Flaghship chaired by the Nobel Prize
Prof Konstantin Novoselov (University of Manchester, Manchester, UK).
Scientific Advisor of STMicroelectronics ( ) in the field of advanced research on
innovative sensors.
Scientific Advisor of Distretto Tecnologico Micro e Nanosistemi Sicilia
( for Health Programs
Co-founder (June 2020) of Spin off (Innovative Start Up) Innova Medical Biotechnologies (IBMTech –
She was graduated in Industrial Chemistry cum summa laude at the University of Bologna (Italy) and
obtained her Ph.D. in Materials Engineering in 2001. 2000-2019 – R&D Manager at
STMicroelectronics (ST), covering several roles in the field of Advanced Devices managing and
coordinating research activities focused on the development of integrated silicon technology platforms
and compatible materials and systems for chemical-physical sensors and biosensors. Member of ST
Technical Staff Steering Committee, composed by the technical excellence of the company. She
accomplished the qualification of the 1 st Biotecnology (Lab-on-Chip Biotechnology) of
STMicroelectronics, compliance with FDA requirements for IVD device, currently commercialised
by VeredusLAB ( She received several
Awards from ST for the innovative contribution given in the research. She has been principal
investigator of several national research projects and WP leader of several European projects. She has
been principal organizer and co-organizer of several international congresses in the sensors area.
PI of several Italian and international research projects and WP Leader of EU projects.
Her research activity embraces multidisciplinary fields including the design, preparation and
characterization of multifunctional nanostructured systems, advanced biotechnologies, Platform
Systems Development and innovative Materials for medical device.
She has published more than 170 papers in peer-reviewed international journals (h-index 30, 2850 cit
– Source: Scopus) and she is co-inventor of 30 patents.