Smart Concrete 

Development of technology components for reliable applications, efficient and able to face social challenges and market segments


Implementation Party

Project materials

The Smart Concrete project envisages the development of technologies and efficient high-performance and low-cost systems,to monitor the structural solidity and safety of public concrete buildings.Special attention is given to the level of conservation and the condition of materials they are made of.

Creating a network of sensors designed for the purpose and kept in the frame, it will be possible to monitor the different parameters, critical in terms of safety and useful to plan adequately maintenance interventions. The idea is to combine microelettronics and the mechanical macrostructures.

Responsabile Scientifico

Project Manager
Ing. Salvatore Frisella

Soggetto Capofila

Numero Soggetti Partecipanti

Totale Costi
€ 7.558.47616

Data Inizio

Data Fine

56 Mesi